Our Physicians Speak.

  • Ayelet Hilewitz, MD

    "This mission was one of the most meaningful experiences I have had since I entered into the field of medicine."

  • Chava Blivaiss, MD

    "The incredible unity and strength I was able to witness with my colleagues of all backgrounds is truly a testament to the incredible people of Israel."

  • Danny Sherwinter, MD

    "Every time I mentioned that I was a volunteer, I received the biggest smiles and the most appreciation you can imagine."

  • Tova Ellman, MD

    “I felt very welcome and it was a clear reminder of why I was there in the first place- we are one family.”

  • David Ritz, MD

    “My goal for this trip is to simply be helpful at the time when some senior staff for the water and the remaining surgeons were thin-spread with the call schedule.”