Danny Sherwinter, MD

“I was in Ziv Hospital for about 10 days. Ziv Hospital is the northernmost hospital, and it was an incredible experience. Ziv Hospital is located in Tzfat, a very holy and beautiful city, albeit with a relatively impoverished population. The hospital staff is quite diverse, including Arabs, Jews, Russians, and people speaking various languages and accents. The care patients receive there is incredible. I am a general surgeon, not a trauma surgeon, specializing in hernias, gallbladders, colon surgery, gastric surgery, etc. Although I mostly perform minimally invasive surgeries, I was there to assist with general surgery because their roster of general surgeons was reduced due to reserve duty calls.

The experience was excellent. Every time I mentioned that I was a volunteer, I received the biggest smiles and the most appreciation you can imagine. This was especially true from the Jewish people. From the Arab people, it was more of a surprise, like, "You're an American doctor coming here to volunteer?" But from the Jewish people, it was like doors suddenly opened. Saying I was there to volunteer brought immediate appreciation. The incredible appreciation from everyone when I mentioned I was a volunteer was pretty universal and incredible.

JOWMA sent me on this medical mission to Israel and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to serve and experience this unique environment.”